Tag Archives: On the Banks of the Old Raritan

PondScum Award: Rutgers University

@ZombifiedPixie awards her next PondScum Award to Rutgers University on the grounds that – in her opinion –  it is exceedingly shameful that it took this organisation **decades** to update it’s deeply sexists anthem.   It was only in 2013 that Rutgers FINALLY showed it’s female alumni and students the respect they deserved by changing the offensive lyrics.




PondScum Award

ZP PondScumAward

Recipients of @ZombifiedPixie’s PondScum Award:

  • TripAdvisor – for bullying.
  • Rutgers University – for taking decades to finally update it’s sexist school anthem.
  • Thailand’s military junta blaming the murder victim for being attractive and wearing a bikini !
  • CeeLo Green and his views on rape!
  • @ZombifiedPixie’s Inaugural PondScum Award goes to the tedious and noisome spammers .  The offensive (and blocked) IP Addresses are posted here.   (Current from August 2014.)
